Awakening and Human Design:

A Path to Understanding Yourself and Finding Freedom

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What You'll Get


Receive the owner's manual for your vehicle (your Human Design) and discover the essence of who you are (your Awakened state).


Gain clarity on how to recognize your conditioning.


Tap into you soul's natural wisdom, free of external influences.


Clear the distortion lens that prevents you from knowing who you are.


Embrace the early wounding and open to your unique energy to live more authentically and joyfully.


Release resistance and allow greater ease and freedom in your life.

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About The Authors


Robin Winn

A Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist now turned Human Design Coach, Trainer & Author.

My first thirty years were pretty much a disaster. From a Human Design perspective, I can look back and understand that that was kind of inevitable. 

For starters, I have my Conscious Sun in Gate 3, Difficulty at the Beginning, Innovation. Yeah, a late bloomer. Someone bringing new things to humanity. Not so easy! 

Then there is the completely Open Identity Center – no solid sense of self. Continuously grappling with the question Who Am I?  Not to mention, the 6/2 Profile: for those first thirty years I had to try everything to see what worked and what didn’t work. I made lots of messes. Not an easy time.

The good news is that this challenging beginning drove me to find ways to alleviate suffering. My desperation took me on a path of knowing and understanding myself. I explored a wide array of modalities in my quest to discover what worked to bring peace and ease.

Everything I learned I shared with the people I was here to serve. I delved into psychology, spirituality, bodywork…I immersed myself in Tibetan Buddhism, became a Rosen Method Bodywork practitioner, then a psychotherapist, did “The Work”, intensively with Byron Katie, was a Diamond Logos teacher…Each one offered gifts and support on my journey.

In 2006 I was introduced to Human Design...It opened a new perspective, a new level of understanding in my relationships and with my clients. Over the years, this lens became an organizing principle and guiding light in my life and in my work with people. I saw Human Design as the key to embracing difference and finding a new way forward for humanity. Passionate about supporting other therapists, coaches, and healers to utilize this gift and bring this ray of light to the world, I wrote books, and created a Human Design Certification Training for professionals.

My world shifted again in January of 2019 when I watched a YouTube titled: The Shift is to Experience Consciousness as Cause with Pali Summerlin. At that time, Pali was about to turn 80. As I watched the video, I drank in the nectar of Truth she spoke. I immediately called Pali, and began a mentoring relationship and a powerful friendship that continues to point me home to myself.

The combination of Human Design with Pali's teachings created the next level of clarity regarding who I am, who we are, and how to live from an authentic, aligned, and awakened place.

Pali Summerlin

A consciousness coach and spiritual guide.

In the summer of 2010, at the age of 70 (in the midst of a family drama. I called an episode of Dallas without the sex), I realized what's known in easter philosophy as enlightenment or awakening. This was a perceptual shift out of separation and into Oneness. The distortion lens I had been looking through dissolved, my fear-based person dropped away, and I saw clearly the workings of my Self and the world.

Now at the age of 85, mother of 3 sons, grandmother to six, legally blind from Macular Degeneration, I share my experience of living authentically, free of the fear-based ego, and help others to find their way back home to themselves.

I see understanding that we are already awake, and that the job is to see and dissolve our early childhood conclusions, based in wounding, that keep us from realizing the Truth of who we are.

I was introduced to Human Design eleven years before my Awakening. I found it to be a very helpful operating manual. After I woke up to True Nature, the ego identity fell away, and there was awake awareness. I relaxed out of resistance to aspects of my chart. For example, my Channel of Struggle. And, I started to trust the sacral response.

With Awakening, you don't have a mental construct of using Human Design, it just becomes expressed authentically. In my work with helping people on their Awakening journey, I've found Human Design to be a supportive adjunct.

I often have Robin give Human Design sessions to my clients (I sit in), which helps me support them on their path of Awakening.

We are excited to bring this powerful combination of my lived experience in the context of Human Design.

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